June 26, 2023

Reducing Your Tech Debt

Today, companies will find numerous technology options to build and run an enterprise application. The combination of technologies that they use is their tech stack. When choosing their stack, it is important to build an efficient one because it has a great impact on the company. A tech stack will determine what kind of products a company can develop, who they will hire, the effectiveness of their product, and more. An inefficient tech stack will lead to slower productivity which can result in a loss of customers. 

The problem we see today is that companies are buying technologies that have similar uses. Investing in multiple different platforms is expensive and results in tech debt. Instead, purchasing one tool that integrates all their possible needs in one platform is more efficient.

With the increased use of large language models, we see the complexities of tech stacks reducing because generative AI can automate tasks and generate code or content. AI models can also generate content tailored to individual users and personalized recommendations by analyzing user behavior and preferences. But it is important to note that LLMs don’t eliminate the need for a tech stack altogether. Other components like infrastructure, data management, deployment, and integration with existing systems still require attention. 

To reduce tech stack, there are some steps that a company can take:

  • Evaluate your current tech stack

Look at all the current technologies that are being used in your company’s processes. Analyze their uses and identify the tools that may be outdated, are not being used, and the ones that have redundant capabilities.

  • Determine your needs

Identify the features and functions that your company needs. Then, consolidate and choose the technologies that do not serve similar purposes.

  • Assess the ecosystem

Consider the impact of removing or replacing a particular technology on the rest of your stack. Ensure that the remaining technologies can still work seamlessly together.

  • Plan for migration

Create a plan that includes the steps and the timeline of transitioning to the new stack. Consider the impact on existing code, data, infrastructure, and other potential challenges.

  • Test and validate

Conduct thorough testing to verify the functionality and compatibility of the new technologies before you commit to it. Ensure that it meets your requirements.

  • Execute the migration

Start with non-critical components and gradually advance to more critical ones. Monitor and address any issues that arise during the process.

  • Train your team

If the new stack introduces unfamiliar technologies, provide training and resources to your team. Ensure they have the necessary skills to work effectively with the reduced tech stack.

  • Continuous evaluation

Regularly assess the performance and effectiveness of your reduced tech stack. Monitor feedback from users, track metrics, and gather insights to make further improvements if needed. 

Companies with a well-chosen tech stack, will be able to handle optimal performance. Additionally, they can streamline development and problem-solving processes. A company’s application will be secure, up-to-date, and adaptable to changing requirements at a lower price point with a reduced, efficient tech stack. 

Ready to modernize your tech stack? Request a demo today. 

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